A man for a young woman
Title in English:
"A Man for a Young Woman"
Production year: 1996
Country: Russia
Scenario: adaptation, author - __________
adaptation of Murad Ibragimbekov's short story
"A story with a happy ending"
Producer: Murad Ibragimbekov
Genre: tragicomedy / melodrama
Duration: 72 min.
CastCast: Regimantas Adomaitis, Larisa Udovichenko, Marina Fedko (Blake), Valentina Talyzina, Mikhail Gluzsky, Alexei Zharkov, Leonid Kuravlev, Alexander Yatsko, Nikita Prozorovsky, Ivan Okhlobystin, Nikolai Averyushkin and others.
Film summary: The story of a young man who, like Maupassant's "dear friend", made a life bet on his attractive appearance and decided to build a career on success with women. Resigned to the fact that, in addition to external attractiveness, he does not have any talents, the protagonist of the film decides to marry profitably. Very soon, a wealthy bride is also found - a woman "pleasant in every way."
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